Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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School Uniform

We are very proud of our school uniform. Our children wear the following:                                          

Grey trousers (long/short) Grey pinafore/skirt

White shirt  (collars must be buttoned and ties worn appropriately, shirts should be tucked in)                     

Heathwood jumper/cardigan

Heathwood tie                          

White/grey/black ankle or long socks   
Grey Tights                 

Suitable black school shoes with laces/buckle/Velcro

Optional Summer Uniform (Summer Term only)

Purple and white-gingham summer dress

White polo shirt, no tie


Children in year R wear a white polo shirt and no tie.



Children will also need:

Purple Heathwood PE top

Black shorts

Black joggers

Black or purple sweatshirt (not hooded)


PE bag (draw string - not a bulky backpack)

Heathwood book bag

We would ask that all uniform is clearly marked with your child's name please.

Heathwood uniform is available from uniform stockists -

’wear 2 school’  North Street, Leighton Buzzard.

Please click on the link below for their website


Unbranded uniform can be purchased from major supermarkets and we have a selection of pre-loved uniform available for purchase in school. Please ask at the school office.