Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Vision Statement 2022-25

Our vision for every child is to embed a love for learning, to be passionate about the world around them, to celebrate differences and be kind.
Our children will learn important life skills so they leave Heathwood equipped to be successful learners ready for the next steps in their lives.

We aim to:

  • create a secure, happy, purposeful, stimulating and well managed learning environment.
  • provide opportunities for academic, social, emotional, moral and physical development for each child.
  • provide a broad, balanced curriculum appropriate to each child's needs. 
  • encourage children to share and work co-operatively. 
  • develop within each child a positive self-image and sense of achievement.
  • encourage high standards of behaviour, through a fair but firm approach to discipline.
  • work in partnership with parents in the education of their children.