Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Heathwood Language Provision


  • is one of two Language Provisions in Central Bedfordshire.
  • has places for up to 8 children
  • is an integral part of Heathwood Lower School, which is a mainstream school for children aged  4 - 9 years.
  • provides specialist support for pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan which identifies Speech and  Language Difficulties as their primary need.
  • is currently staffed by two Teaching Assistants with additional, relevant qualifications..
  • has staff with experience and skills which enable them to provide specialist support for pupils with speech and language difficulties.                                       


Aims of the Language Provision are to :

  • integrate Language Provision pupils fully into the mainstream setting.
  • provide structured support to meet pupils’ Speech, Language and Communication needs and enable them to reach their full potential.
  • provide support for pupils:
  1.  within their own classroom
  2.  in small groups in an appropriate learning environment
  3.  on an individual basis; including daily speech and language therapy
  • provide a facility that is well resourced with specialist materials and equipment.


Keeping in touch

 Regular contact is made between parents/carers and Language  Provision Staff in the following ways:

  • School diaries are used as a means of communication between home and school.
  • Consultation meetings with parents/carers are arranged to discuss Individual Achievement Plans (IAP).
  • Language provision staff will contact parents/carers as necessary.
  • Contact can also be made with Language Provision staff by phone


Monitoring Progress

  • Annual reviews of EHC Plans are arranged to discuss progress and targets for the coming year.
  • Individual Achievement Plans (IAPs) are reviewed and new targets set at termly meetings.
  • Informal discussions take place as necessary.


 Additional Information

  • If Heathwood is outside their local school catchment area, children who are admitted to the Language Provision may be entitled to transport provided by the LA.

 Please contact the school if you need any further information.

SENDCo: Mr Paul Dicker

Contact: send@heathwood.beds.sch.uk 
Language Provision Staff

Miss L Murphy - Specialist Support staff

Mrs B Bisby - Specialist Support staff