Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Welcome to Heathwood Lower School.  Governors, Staff, Parents and Children work as a team building on success in a happy, creative environment.  Heathwood has always had a strong family ethos and every individual, who is part of our school, is important and valued.

Our team of Governors provide support in a number of ways.  We are there to make sure that the school performance is evaluated and continuously improves.  We provide safeguarding and strategic direction through The School Development Plan.  Governors ensure financial accountability and sustainability.  

The full Governing Body meets once a term and the sub committees, Teaching & Learning and Management & Resources, also meet once a term.  Minutes of recent meetings are available from the school office. I meet with our Head Teacher informally once a week to discuss any current issues and to maintain a constant flow of information and support between the Staff and Governing Body.

If you would like to contact me, you can through the school office.

I sincerely hope that your children enjoy their time at Heathwood Lower School.

Paula Bangs

Chair of Governors

Making butter during Year 4 residential trip






Code of Conduct for School Governing Boards