Diary dates
6th Yr 4 British Museum
10th Preschool Open Classroom 2-3pm
10th Whole School Open Classrooms, Gift Sale, Coffee and Mince Pies 2:45 - 3:45 pm
11th Whole School Christmas Dinner
12th Yr 4 Carols at All Saints
13th Outside Achievement Assembly
13th Preschool open afternoon 2-3pm
16th Yr 1-4 Christmas Show 2pm
17th Class R Nativity 2.30-3.30pm
18th Yr 1-4 Christmas Show 2pm
19th Preschool invite parents to Carols & Mince Pies 2.30pm
19th Mufti for Winning House
19th Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher (by invitation)
20th Carol Service at St Leonards 2-3.30pm
20th Christmas Jumper Day
20th Last day of Autumn Term
6th INSET Day for Staff
7th Children back to School