Heathwood Lower School Leighton Buzzard

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Our mid-day supervisor helps the children staying for lunch get settled at their tables along with a member of the Pre-school staff. The children’s name cards are placed on the table to show them where they will be sitting. Firstly, all the children go to wash their hands and to the toilet before lunch begins. Then the children who are having packed lunches collect their lunch boxes from the trolley. They then all go and find their name card on the table and sit down. The children who are having packed lunches then take all their food out of their lunchboxes and place the empty box under their chairs; this is to give them more room on the table tops. The children are encouraged and supported to always eat their sandwiches first and other savoury food before going onto their fruit and yogurt. This is the same for children having a school dinner. Children are supported and encouraged to eat using a knife and fork but will be given a spoon when they first start if this is required. We will also support them to learn to cut their own food. This is a relaxed and social time for the children and they are encouraged to talk to the other children on their table.This session is only open to the children who are staying all day.

We only have two rules; these are about keeping each other safe.

  1) Only eat the food that you have been given to eat in your lunchbox or on your plate.

   2) Sit down at the table until you have finished eating and an adult has checked you have had a good try at your lunch.