Welcome to Class 4’s Web Page
Welcome to Class 4’s web page. Here you should be able to find all the information you need, however if there is something we’ve missed please feel free to pop a note in your child’s diary and we will be sure to check them daily.
Class teacher - Miss Bryony Leary
PPA Cover - Mr Paul Dicker
Support Staff - Mrs Lyn Wallace, Mrs Claire McDonald, Mrs Kat Mansfield, Mrs Elaine Rockell & Mrs Sarah Hustwitt
We will also have some support during the week from our Language Provision Support team; Miss Laura Murphy
Our Topics this year
Autumn Term - Ancient CivilisationsKnowledge Organisers
Spring Term - Misty Mountains, Windy Rivers Knowledge Organisers
Summer Term - InvasionsKnowledge Organisers
PE Days
We will be doing PE every Monday and Wednesday, Young Sports Leaders will need their PE kits for Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure PE kits are in school all week.
For outdoor PE you will need to make sure you have your outdoor PE kit in school, trainers, black jogging bottoms, your purple Heathwood top and a black jumper. We also recommend you bring a pair of socks so if we get wet and muddy then you don’t have to spend the rest of the day with soggy feet! A plastic bag for wet kit/shoes.
For indoor PE you will need a pair of black shorts and your purple Heathwood top.
PE kit will need to go home every Friday to be washed.
Please read with your child at least three times at home each week, we cannot stress the importance of this and the difference it truly makes. We encourage you to support your child’s reading by spending time listening to them read, reading to them, talking about what you have just read and, most importantly, enjoying reading! We want your child to love reading, so please enjoy reading books of their own choosing as well as those from the school reading scheme.
In class we aim to listen to your child read as often as possible and we encourage reading across the curriculum! I will hear all children read on a weekly basis during their Guided Reading session and I will also check children’s diaries and award house points for reading at home at this time (3 times per week = 10HP, more than 3 times = 20HP and 6/7 times per week = 100HP!)
When you read with your child please record it in their diary, any reading can be recorded, not just their school book and they will be rewarded with house points, praise and stamps! Remember – children can take responsibility for recording their own reading in their diary (please can an adult sign or initial this off).
The Children now also have access to MyON which is an online portal that allows them to read and enjoy hundreds of books. Please encourage your children to use this website as independently as possible.
Reading books will only be allocated on Mondays, so ALL books must be returned to School on Monday morning.
We are continuing to develop our spellings and the children will be following the Year 4 spelling programme and high frequency words. The spellings will come out on a Friday and could I ask that they are returned to school on a Tuesday. This will enable us to mark them and to see if the children require further guidance during the week.
MyON/ and Accelerated Reader
Continuing with MyON and Accelerated Reader, read at home, in school and comprehension activities in school.
Times Tables
In class we will be working on our times tables and number bonds using TT Rockstars and Numbots twice a week. We would also like the children to continue their learning at home to enhance their understanding of all times tables. Our initial focus will be 2,5,10x tables and then we will move onto the other times tables up to 12. If your child would like to participate at home then they can use TT Rockstars at home.
A major aspect of Year 4 is to develop many independent study skills. To help develop this, the children are set regular homework which they are expected to complete and hand in. Occasionally the children may be given additional homework based around other subjects that are being covered in class. For example, the children may be asked to produce a project relating to the topic being covered or to bring in some information. We will send home information about such homework in plenty of time so that the children are aware of it.
Your child has access to, MyON, Purple Mash and Scratch ( Coding) at home! Please feel free to go onto these sites for fun games, activities and learning tools that can support your child across the curriculum. Login details are available in your child’s diary. If you experience problems accessing this, please let us know.
Trips and Visits
In Class 4 we try to arrange as many trips and visitors as we can, as it really helps bring the children’s learning to life.
Autumn Term: British Museum Voluntary contribution £15
Summer Term: Residential Trip to The Chellington Centre. Cost £110.00
As always, if there is anything you need to discuss, please feel free to note a message in your child’s diary and we will get back to you as soon as possible, or pop in.
Thank you for your continued support,
Class 4 Team
Reading Workshop Information for Parents
Handouts from Reading Workshop
Phonics Presentation for Parents
How to Help Your Child Learn to Read
Parents' Guide to Phonics and Reading
Maths Presentation for Parents